We've heard exciting news that your series is in the early stages of development as a screen adaptation. Fans are thrilled at the prospect of seeing Dimase Augustin brought to life on the big screen.

Q: What makes Dimase an interesting and compelling hero for an action series, and how do you envision his character translating to film?

A: “I’ve been fortunate to put together an amazing team that includes Andy Howard of Shelter Entertainment, Writer & Producer - Casey Grace Murtagh, Wesley and Whitney Swain of W+W and Steve Simon. We are currently working to bring these stories to life on screen and are in development on a number of projects. The eight Dimase Augustin books will translate well to a narrative-episodic format and we feel readers are eager to see Dimase manifest on-screen.

Dimase is not a super hero. Rather, he is an everyman who reflects values of hard work, grit, patriotism and integrity-but he struggles to avoid becoming jaded in the face of reality. Like so many of us, he is confronted with obstacles, harbors doubts, and strives to do the right thing in an often nuanced and unsettled world of moral relativism and competing interests.

Dimase is an extremely relatable character who will appeal to a wide demographic. Each book could potentially represent a full season of content. We will keep readers posted as things develop on this front.”

- Stephen L. Bruneau


Q: As your readers dive into your captivating series, many are eager to know what's next. How many books are planned for the entire series, and how frequently can we expect new releases?