The Dimase Augustin Thriller Series

In the heart of Cambridge, a Haitian- American man ascends from chief homicide detective to the nation’s foremost guardian, defending against imminent threats, both foreign and domestic…

  • MIT Murders

    “Bruneau doesn’t rush the book club members’ backstories, likes, and routines. The reader feels they know these women, which raises the stakes. A believable time frame, intelligent dialogue, an abundance of twists, and escalation in the psychopath’s violence lead to quick page turns... highly recommend.”


    This story opens with the mysterious murder of a young woman in an apartment building in Cambridge, followed by the second murder of an early-morning, Black, female jogger on the Boston Common. Dimase is in charge of the Cambridge side of the investigation and eventually determines that the two deaths are connected, along with several other bizarre murders of young women. In a clever game of cat and mouse, Dimase finds that he is matching wits with an MIT professor who has gone off the rails as a serial killer. It is a race against time to unravel clues and save the remaining targets of Dr. Hans Berger as Dimase finally figures out the motive and makes a dramatic rescue while bringing the notorious Phantom Professor to justice.

  • The Scotus Affair

    LAUNCHING 10/2

    "In the tight, twistIng thriller the Scotus Affair, an affable detective pursues the truth about a far-reaching political conspiracy.”


    This is a split narrative where Dimase's longtime friend, Ben Johnson, a successful Black entrepreneur from Boston, now age seventy, has had a forty-year clandestine affair with Acadia LaFleur, the love of his life, and the matriarch of a powerful multi-generational political family in Louisiana. When Acadia is attacked in a home invasion and ends up in a coma, Ben Johnson's hands are tied, so he enlists Dimase Augustin to go to Louisiana to find out what happened, and why. As Dimase pulls at numerous threads, a second woman with the name Acadia LaFleur, a young elite escort on the run from something connected to Washington DC, turns up brutally murdered in her mother's rural Louisiana home. Eventually, the trail leads back to the nation's capital, where a corrupt cabal of career politicians and FBI agents are plotting the assassination of a Supreme Court justice in order to swing the balance of power on the court. Dimase discovers the link between the two Acadia LaFleurs, and in a thrilling conclusion, foils the attempted coup in a story that could be believable in today's headlines.

  • Threat Analysis

    LAUNCHING 10/30

  • Operation Resurrection

    LAUNCHING 11/27

  • Water War


  • Lucky Winner


  • Mind Bender


  • Jungle Streets